The extreme cold has caused water and power to be shut off.

URGENT: The shelter is without power and running water. The extreme cold has caused our water to be shutoff and we don’t know when it’ll be back on. Our shelter dogs got very thirsty and today we had to go out to get bottled water for them. To get through the cold spell we’ve been giving them extra food and we’re going through our supplies much faster than anticipated. Please donate to help us get through this tough time.

Welcome Zina and Barry to the Sochi Dogs family!

This week we rescued Zina (with the gorgeous blue eyes) and little Barry. Zina was looking for food near a dump and Barry was sitting outside a store when we found them. Now both of them are safe and fed at the shelter. Zina even managed to squeeze in a little hair appointment! They are both adult dogs and once they are vaccinated, spayed, and microchipped they’ll be looking for their forever families.



Zaika is our first rescue of 2020!

Meet Zaika (meaning bunny in Russian)! This sweet girl was sitting all by herself outside a hotel. She is only 3 months old and has a small limp. She is ok otherwise, we are waiting until she gets a bit more strength before taking her in to have her leg looked at and possibly x-rayed. Like every dog that comes through our doors, Zaika will receive several months of care before she finds a forever family. She’ll need to be spayed, vaccinated, and possibly require additional treatment for her leg.

What a year!

97 formerly homeless Sochi dogs found their forever families in 2019. The Sochi Dogs team and all of the dogs in these photos are so grateful to our community of volunteers, supporters, adopters who make this incredible work possible. Happy 2020, everyone!