In the News
The Sochi Dog movement is gaining momentum! Our work has been featured internationally across a number of media outlets including the Today Show, The Dodo, and Boston Globe. If you are interested in doing a story on Sochi Dogs please reach out via our contact form, or for immediate media inquiries please email at into@sochidogs.org
CBS News -
Dogster -
Sochi Dogs - Where Are They Now?
The Dodo -
Clean Up' Before World Cup
Boston Globe -
Two years after Olympics, Americans still adopting Sochi’s stray dogs
Public Radio International (PRI)
- How Russians and Americans have teamed up to rescue Sochi's stray dogs
The Dodo - Family Adopts Dog From Sochi ... And Realizes They Need Her Friend
Sports Illustrated
- Catching up with the dogs of Sochi
The Star-Ledger - N.J. mom, daughter rescue stray dogs after Sochi started killing them ahead of Olympics
Pilots N Paws -
Tug's flight home.
Today's Slapshot
- Kelli Stack and Her Sochi Stray
Boston Globe - A group of activists in Sochi is trying to prevent the killing of stray dogs by rounding them up and trying to find homes for them.
CNN - Russians say authorities rounding up, poisoning stray dogs before Olympics
HUFFPOST - This Man Is Rescuing Stray Dogs From Alleged Extermination In Sochi