Zosya and Benji arrived in the UK

After a multi-day trip through all of Europe, Zosya and Benji arrived in the UK! It all started when a Sochi Dogs adopter in NJ shared a Facebook post about one of our recent rescues, that caught the attention of an old college friend living in the UK… the rest is history. Thanks to the kindness and amazing work of our friends at LAPA - Helping animals in Russia Zosya was able to travel to her new forever home outside of London and Benji being a little guy was able to squeeze in as well. Zosya, Benji, and the entire Sochi Dogs team are so grateful to everyone who made this incredible journey possible! Check Zosya’s rescue story here.


Thanks to Michael, the flight volunteer!

Thanks to flight volunteer Michael, Benny and Malcolm are safely in NY and on their way to foster/forever homes! If you have a sense of adventure and want to help rescue dogs learn about how to become a flight volunteer here sochidogs.org/fly


How to Care for Your Adopted Dog

Adopting a stray or abandoned dog is a kind and generous way to add to your fur family. However, properly caring for an adopted dog—particularly an adult one—can often pose additional challenges when compared to caring for a newborn puppy or an older dog raised by a breeder. Here are some tips on how to take good care of your adopted dog.

Get your dog vaccinated

Just like for humans, vaccines play a very important part in keeping your dog healthy and preventing a number of diseases. The folks over at easyvet distinguish between ‘core’ vaccines and ‘lifestyle’ vaccines: core vaccines are those that every dog should have, whereas lifestyle ones may be offered by your veterinarian depending on your dog’s breed, environment, and levels of activity. You might not be able to find out whether your adopted dog has already been vaccinated, so it’s a good idea to get them vaccinated just in case. The core vaccines for dogs are rabies, parvovirus, Bordetella, leptospirosis, distemper, Lyme disease, parainfluenza, and canine influenza.

Keep up with worm, flea, and tick treatments

Regular worm, flea, and tick preventative medicine is just as important as vaccines in ensuring the health of your dog—and your health, too, since you could catch diseases such as Lyme disease if your dog gets infested with ticks. Keep an eye out for ticks when you are grooming or stroking your dog and take them to the vet if they are often scratching, as this may be a sign of a flea infestation. Worms are impossible to spot on your own, but the vet will be able to see them in your dog’s poo under a microscope. You should worm a puppy weekly when they are aged between 3 and 12 weeks, then monthly until they are 6 months old. After this time, you should worm your dog every 3 months.

Consult a behavioral specialist

This won’t be necessary for everyone, but if your dog was mistreated by a previous owner, they may have become traumatized and may present with unusual behaviors that you won’t necessarily know how to handle. Your dog may have separation anxiety, appear fearful or shy around other dogs and/or humans, or aggressively guard their food and territory. Much like when dealing with behavioral issues in a young child, it is extremely helpful to remain calm, be consistent and give your dog time to realize that they are no longer in an unsafe situation and that they can relax around you. The American Kennel Club has some great advice on how to find a good dog trainer, including the idea that a dog trainer’s job is really to train you to train your dog—as it will be impossible to achieve consistency if you take your dog to the training sessions and then forget to apply what you both learned back at home. For the same reason, your trainer should be willing to work with the whole family, including your kids.

Meet Loki -- our newest rescue!

Even though our US adoption program from the Sochi Shelter is on hold due to the CDC import ban we couldn't pass by Loki on the street.
We continue helping dogs who have nowhere else to go by providing them nutritious food, necessary medical care,
and training for as long as they are with us – and that could be a long time.


When we picked up Loki, he immediately fell asleep in the car. He knew he was finally safe.
At the shelter, he joins 39 other dogs just like him who have nowhere else to go.