Strict rules about flying with dogs start on August 1, after months of confusion.

The new CDC rules go into effect on August 1 and they are impacting everyone: travelers, rescuers, and even military families. Quarantine facilities are concerned about the demand at their facilities and ordinary families are worried about costs.

The CDC has not been able to provide a clear answer to explain the need to revaccinate pets AFTER they've received a titer test at a CDC-approved lab.

Sochi Dogs co-founder, Anna Umansky, spoke with USA Today about how it's going to impact our rescue work in Ukraine. Read more.

Dogs Around the World Need Your Help - Call Your Representative Today to Delay the New CDC Dog Import Rules

On August 1 new rules from the CDC will make it nearly impossible for anyone to enter the US with a pet. These rules affect everyone -  military families, anyone currently on vacation, rescues, breeders, show dogs, veterinarians etc. 

Less than 3 weeks before the rules go into effect but there is a lot of confusion and the CDC is not able to provide clear answers or the paperwork needed. The forms required for dogs to enter the country are still not available. 

Airlines will be forced to review the CDC paperwork and take legal responsibility for dogs aboard their flights. They don’t have staff or proper training to do so. Lufthansa is the first airline to ban all dogs aboard their flights destined for the US. Other airlines are now following suit. This means dogs will not be able to fly into the country. 

Representative Langworthy of NY has written to the CDC to ask them to delay these draconian pet travel rules for 18 months so we can develop a better, balanced approach to regulate dogs entering the country. 

Please contact the CDC, US senators, and congressmen to request a postponement of the effective date for the new CDC requirements regarding bringing animals into the US and traveling with pets until a more fair and measured approach can be put into place. 

Find your representative:
The phone number for the U.S. House of Representatives switchboard is 1-202-224-312
CDC contacts: 1-404-718-3660 or 1-800-232-4636;


Sample message to your representative:

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I am a constituent from [Your Location].

I’m writing with regards to the new CDC dog import guidelines that are set to go into effect on August 1. These measures will impact ordinary Americans traveling with their pets, rescues helping save animals from areas of conflict, diplomats, American citizens working abroad, and military families.

The CDC is not prepared to implement these rules, and they represent a significant overreach of the agency. With less than three weeks before the rules go into effect, and during a peak travel period, the CDC is unable to provide clear answers or the necessary paperwork for dogs to enter the country. The new required forms are still not available to the public.

The rules place a legal burden on airlines to review CDC paperwork. Without the time or training, airlines are now simply banning dogs on all flights bound for the US. Lufthansa is the first airline to ban all dogs aboard their flights destined for the US and others are likely to follow suit. This means anyone traveling outside the country for the summer break with their pet will not be able to return home.

I’m asking you to please contact the CDC to request a delay of these rules until a more fair and measured approach can be put into place. Representative Langworthy of NY has already called on the agency to do so.

Thank you for your time.

[Your Name]

It's a BIG travel day at Sochi Dogs!

Bella and Daisy originally from Georgia are on their way to meet families in NJ.

Kiku originally from South Korea flew from his foster home in NY to meet his people in MA thanks to Pilot Tim at Pilots N Paws.

Our partners in Dnipro took humanitarian aid to Toretsk and will come back with rescue animals.

Dnipro Shelter - new well in work!

It's 97 degrees in Dnipro today! The shelter has not had any running water for months and power comes on for 2-hour blocks at a time but thanks to the well Sochi Dogs installed, everyone can cool off in a pool! There are a few of these around the shelter and all the dogs are loving them! A huge thank you from all the dogs and caretakers in Dnipro. The well is a literal lifesaver for them and the dogs.