Sochi Dogs Ukraine Fund


Our friends at the Dnipro Shelter suffered a terrible attack on May 15! A missile landed just outside the shelter causing serious damage. Please donate today to repair the shelter. Every gift, no matter how small, shows animal rescuers working on the front lines that there are people who care and stand by them in the face of destruction.

Our Rescue Work in Ukraine
We’re supporting small shelters and volunteers in Ukraine who are risking their lives to rescue and care for homeless dogs and cats.

At the start of the invasion, we organized the evacuation of dogs and cats from Kyiv to Poland and Germany and provided food and supplies to shelters taking animals from the front lines.

Currently, in partnership with the Dnipro Animal Shelter:
  • We sponsor a monthly delivery of food and preventative medicine for the 180 dogs and cats at the shelter.
  • Support the local community with micro-grants to fund shelter repairs, dog-houses, and a vet-tech role.
  • Collaborate with rescue volunteers and area clinics to prevent the animals from being born on the street with a special spay/neuter program for street dogs.
  • Find homes for rescue dogs in the US and Europe
The number of homeless animals is up dramatically and our help is desperately needed. If you can, please donate to support this lifesaving work. It is only possible with your support.
100% of every dollar goes directly to helping dogs impacted by the war.
Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Sochi Dogs is 501(c)(3) Charitable Organization

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