Rough but Lucky Start

These little nuggets had a rough start— when they were just a few weeks old they were pulled away from their mother, a house pet, and tossed out in a field to fend for themselves. Lucky for them, a kind soul happened upon them and reached out to local rescuers. Three families responded to take in one puppy, but what about the other five? They wouldn't survive by themselves, so Sochi Dogs foster hero, Lena opened up her doors yet again. And now we need your help! 


The quintet arrived safe and sound at Lena's. Now their bellies are full, and they are lapping up all the love and attention. Lena says they might just be the most adorable puppies she has ever fostered, and if you've been following Sochi Dogs you know that says a lot! Now we need everyone's help to keep these cuties fed and healthy. Puppies that are taken from their mother at this age require a lot of care. They need supplements to support their immune system, high quality puppy food to help them grow, two rounds of deworming treatments each, vaccinations, and spay/neuter surgeries. Can we count on you to help them? Please make a donation to help with their care through our wishlist here.