Kohanna’s Story

At the beginning of September, we got a call asking for help for this sweet girl, who had been beaten and was dragged to the river to be drowned. Our team arrived just in time to save her and filed a report against her abuser. When we found Kohanna her neck was badly damaged so she couldn’t hold up her head. We made a homemade brace for her neck and jumped into action to get an appointment with the best surgeon in Sochi. We we’re told the surgery only has a 75% success rate but this would be the only way to save Kohanna’s life. It would be a few days before the surgery and we did everything we could to keep Kohanna comfortable.

Before the surgery we ordered medication and a neck brace for her which the hospital didn’t stock. The big day arrived and we waited in anticipation to get news from the surgeon and his team.

After several hours the we got news that the surgery was a success! Kohanna was a phenomenal patient and the entire team fell in love with her. Of course', this wouldn’t be the last they saw of Kohanna. Over the next four months Kohanna had number of vet visits and x-rays taken. She has recovered beautifully.

At the end of November vet said she is all healed after her surgery and she’ll be able to get her neck brace off next month!

This week Kohanna said good bye to the team who saved her life. She had her last check up and x-ray. She’s been given a clean bill of health and she is ready to find her forever family! Thank you to everyone who supported Kohanna on this journey by donating to help us cover her vet bills, send well wishes, and a special thank you to Yvonne T. for sending Kohanna a bandana to make her extra stylish!


Kohanna is beautiful, super friendly 2 years old Husky This special girl loves affection, can walk perfectly on a leash, loves car rides and she is house trained. Put in your application, Kohanna is ready for her new life!