Keeping your Pets Health and Happy During the Coronavirus Pandemic

by Lisa Baker

Coronavirus is affecting all of our lives and our pet's lives too! In this article we will walk you through some tips to keep your dog healthy and happy during the coronavirus pandemic. 

Safety first, let's talk about the ways we can keep our pets safe. There is conflicting evidence about whether dogs can be infected with COVID-19 and no reliable information about whether they could pass the virus to people. In addition, there is very limited information about what, if any, symptoms they experience from the virus. In order to protect yourself and your pets you should always follow good hygiene practices regarding animal handling. This means washing your hands after touching your pets. You should also wash your hands before and after handling their food, to keep your pets and yourself safe. 

If you become ill with COVID-19 you should isolate yourself from other family members and this includes pets! Ask someone else in the household to provide their daily care such as walks and feeding. Do not allow them in your area or pet or snuggle them. If no one else is able to provide care for your pet make sure to wash your hands before and after touching your pet or their food. Make sure to have an emergency plan in case you need to seek medical attention. Talk to your friends or family about who will care for your dog in the case of emergency and how you can transfer them to their care while minimizing contact. Plan for emergencies for your pet too. Check with your vet and emergency vet to see if they have limited their hours or have changed their process for seeing patients to maintain social distancing precautions. If your pet is due for routine check-ups, dental cleaning, or vaccinations check with your vet to see if it can be delayed.

If you are using hand sanitizer make sure to let it fully dry before interacting with your pet. Hand sanitizer is made with isopropyl alcohol which is toxic to dogs. Make sure they do not lick your hands after you've applied it. Your dog's fur may be able to carry virus particles as do other surfaces. If your dog has been in contact with someone that you suspect has COVID-19 use a grooming wipe or give them a bath. Never spray your dog with isopropyl alcohol or other disinfectants, these are toxic to dogs and can be absorbed through the skin. Make sure to store your hand sanitizer and disinfectants away from your pets in a place they cannot reach it. 

There has been an increased demand for pet food and supplies. Try not to hoard food so that others have access to the food and supplies they need. If you're ordering online, shipments may be delayed so make sure to plan in advance. 

To keep your dog happy, make sure they get plenty of exercise by walking or running, stay in your yard if you can but if you don't have a yard always follow social distancing recommendations. Here's how I've been managing: I don't have a yard but my dog walker has been taking my dogs to her yard to run and play. We do this without any human-to-human interaction; she comes to my deck, closes a gate behind her, and I leash my dogs inside and let them run out to her. Ask around to friends and family members to see if someone has a fenced-in yard that you could access without interacting with them for an hour or so a day. Fetch is a great way to burn your dog's energy off!

Another way to keep dogs stimulated is to refresh their training basics like sit, down, come, stay, and leash manners. If they've already mastered those skills, teach them an advanced trick like roll over or speak or heel. Practice their skills daily with a fun game. You can use a puzzle food toy to extend their mealtime. Get them a new toy to keep them occupied. As the weather gets nicer, fill a kiddie pool and let your pooch splash around. If your dog loves the car, take them for a ride and let them enjoy the smells. Have a lot of phone calls or virtual meetings throughout the day? Keep your dog quiet and entertained by stuffing a Kong with peanut butter or yogurt and fruit and freeze it. It will take your dog some time to finish this frozen treat. If you're working from home, make sure to try and retain a routine with your dog. Dogs are creatures of habit and if you can stick to their normal daily routine it will help them understand what to expect through the day rather than begging for walks and attention throughout. 

Shelter Life

There is a lot going on in the world. It’s a scary unpredictable time, but dogs remind us to take things day by day and live in the present. All of the dogs at the Sochi Dogs have been through so much but regardless of their past they are enjoying every second of their new lives. Watching them always brings a smile to our faces, and we hope it does the same for you!

Jane joins the shelter!

With a few large dogs going home, we were able to rescue this sweet girl, who we named Jane! Jane found her by the grocery store where Jane was trying to stay dry and begging for scraps. Jane knew right away that she needed to follow Masha and jumped right into her car. After a visit to the vet to be spayed and vaccinated, Jane is Now she is settling in at the shelter. By the look on her face we think she is pretty happy to be safe, warm, fed, and loved. But can imagine how happy she’ll be when she finds her forever home?!

Shelter Update

Shelter Update: Sochi got a terrible spell of winter weather last week. The shelter was without power and running water for over a week. We had to buy bottled water for the dogs to drink and give them extra food to keep warm. Keeping kennels for 50+ dogs clean without running water was nearly impossible, but Masha out shelter caretake did everything she could, and even dressed some of the puppies in sweaters so they would not get cold. Today is the first day we have consistent power and water throughout the shelter. We are dealing with some residual damage but everything is getting back to normal.

Thank you so much to everyone who donated and sent their good wishes to get us through this tough time! We couldn’t do it without all of you!