Have you ever wondered why an animal has come into your life? 

by Beth Mund

I am certified in Animal Reiki and have done animal healings, the most memorable for my own beloved chocolate lab, Jopie, who passed 6 years ago from cancer. She had encouraged me to become certified, knowing this was to be my path in life, and she also taught me so much about pain, alternative treatments, and energy healing. Jopie and I had a soul contract, and together with Sommer, they had agreed to help me open up to these gifts of animal communication and healing. 

All animals have a role, or a job in life. The wild animals are overseeing so much, connecting with us and our planet. While our domestic pets are beloved family members, guiding us, mirroring our struggles, while remaining so full of unconditional love. They all have so much to say! They are all spiritual beings, sharing our space and our planet. They are helping us in many ways, while on their own journey for their soul to evolve and learn.

What Our Animals are Saying!

One morning, while enjoying a cup of coffee and snuggling with my Pug, Clementine, I felt drawn to look outside. At that very moment, two birds flew towards our sliding glass door and seemed to float as I heard this phrase loud and clear, “The British are coming! The British are coming!”  This sounds strange, that birds can communicate. But, not for me. I can hear, feel, sense and know what all animals—both domestic and wild --- are communicating. I have been connected my whole life to animals, their feelings even appearing in my creative writing pieces as early as 9 years old. Yet, I did not realize the extent of my gifts of animal communication until I met Sommer, a golden retriever. Sommer let me know it was time for me to open up to these gifts, and away I went. 

Whether it is a behavioral issue, physical illness, or information about why an animal came into the life with their family, our animals have so much to share. I can communicate with animals who are here as well as those who have passed. They have given me both information about their current life, a past life or something going on with their family’s life. They have even relayed medical issues going on with their owners! 

Most often, the animals I connect with are trying to get a message to their families about their needs or preferences. Some have shared why they are barking so much, or not getting the house breaking rules; how they feel about a person or situation. Others have let me know if they are ready to leave this planet, and if they would prefer a particular treatment when they are ill. Recently, an animal who had passed, let me know what led to his sudden death, and why he passed so quickly. 

I have done Readings with animals who have PTSD, and have past trauma, or are feeling sad at the loss of their family when they could no longer take care of them. I love when they give me specific requests like, “Please take me outside so I can feel the grass” or “I am not ready to leave the planet yet.” Even, “Walk me on the trail, not on the street because that reminds me of my time when I had to fend for myself on the streets.” One dog had expressed that there was so much anger in the house, and when he barked incessantly, he was trying to get the attention of the mom of the house to stand up and take notice. A rabbit had communicated his need to be outside more and told me he was trying to help his temporary owner address her emotions more effectively. 

Animals also have past lives, just like us. And they can bring their challenges from a prior life into the current life. In a Reading I had done a few years back, a puppy had told me that she had been a lion in a past life and this was the reason for hating her crate. For she had been working in a circus for much of his life and being locked up felt all too familiar. She also did not want to “work” as a therapy dog as her owner intended, for her past life was all work and no play! 

I have been there with animals at the moment of their passing. I am never surprised when I feel their excitement at the moment when an animal leaves their body, especially if they had been in pain or ill. It is always freeing for an animal to leave the body, even though for us who are left behind, it is so difficult. When communicating with one dog, Pea I was relaying to a woman what was happening with him, while her husband was at the vet. She was comforted by the details from knowing her dog was wrapped in a blanket at the vet, which was confirmed (although he did not leave with a blanket), to his excitement the moment he left his body. Although in deep grief at the passing of her dog, Pea, she was relieved when I gave her details and the exact description of the family member who had passed years before, and was carrying Pea across the Rainbow Bridge.

In addition to personal messages for their families, animals can communicate about world events. That morning with the birds, felt like a warning, that Great Britain was going to be the next country to be in the news for the Coronavirus pandemic. Indeed, that week, England was highlighted with increasing cases of the Coronavirus, even members of the Royal family testing positive. It was also a more generalized message, as the birds, who oversee much going on with people and our planet, were relaying to me, that challenges and difficult times lay ahead for all of us. A “foreign” invader was approaching, and we needed to buckle down and become prepared.  

Each time I connect with an animal, whether they are here or have passed, I feel blessed for my gifts, which I do take to heart. Especially in the circumstance of a lost pet which can feel so scary. I recall one instance where a dog had gotten out of his yard, and the owners reached out to me. When I connected with him, he showed himself to me in a prison uniform of black and white stripes. While I knew he was not in a human prison, I did know that he was trying to tell me he was at the pound or shelter. It felt like jail to him. Indeed, that is where the family found him.

I don’t always know what will come through during a Reading, but I do know whatever I receive is always healing! 

Please contact me with any questions at beth@thesacredletters.com
Animal owners are confiding that these Pet Readings and Healings have brought both peace as well as incredible insights. 
Our branch of animal communication and healing is part of The Sacred Letters organization. I am a co-author of a book, Living Beyond Fear, where relatable stories are told of communication with souls that have passed, including an animal. Our new book channeled completely from animals will be published in the upcoming year. To learn more  about our upcoming books, sign up for our mailing list

Learn more about Pet Readings here.
Learn more about Pet Healing here.
Watch our latest YouTube video here, as I share remarkable real-life stories of my communication with animals. 

Lastly, we have a Sacred Letters Facebook Community page where we share links and information about our ongoing Zoom calls for both Animal Communication and Soul Guidance.