Rescues During the Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has shut down the city of Sochi. Our team has been travelling around to feed homeless dogs who once relied on restaurants, tourists and supermarkets for scraps to survive. We are taking in any injured dogs or puppies who are too young to survive by themselves. In the past three weeks, we’ve taken twelve dogs!

Meet a few of our newest shelter residents


When puppies like these four little guys are tossed out on the street they have no way of surviving on their own. We found them on two separate occasions both likely born to a house pet that was not spayed. Since they are still very young, they are now in a special quarantine area until they can be vaccinated and introduced to the other shelter residents.



When we saw Tina on the street she hadn’t eaten in days and she looked weak. After a little food our team put her in the car and now that she has been at the shelter for a few days she has blossomed into a beautiful loving dog. Tina loves to sunbathe.



What was a dog like Danny doing running along a highway? We don’t know but we do know had we not stopped for him he surely would have gotten hit by a car. Danny is now safe at the shelter where he loves meeting all the other dogs and does a little dance whenever anyone calls him over.



A local resident saw Pasha and contacted Sochi Dogs, we found him by the railroad tracks, he was hit by a train. Pasha is slowly recovering but already he understands just how lucky he is and he is so grateful. Every time someone checks in on him he licks their hands as a way of saying thank you.



A local resident found poor Raff with a neck injury lying in the bushes in her neighbourhood. Had Raff not been found, he would have likely died of his injuries or starvation. He had surgery and his neck is on the mend. Now at the shelter, he spends time with Gloria and Lulu.



Nina was neglected by her owner. At the age just 7-8 months old she was tied up on a short chain and did not have the ability even to walk. The owner refused to give her up but we offered him $100 to buy her out. It might be the best $100 we’ve ever spent. This beautiful girl is soaking up all love and we can’t wait to find her true forever family.



Masha and Platon found Paco begging for food outside a butcher shop. Being a smart dog, he followed them all the way back to the car and jumped in. Now Paco loves to play with Platon at the shelter!